By federal law, all schools in the United States were required to adopt a "Wellness Policy" effective July 1, 2006. Morning Sun Community School District's Wellness Policy (Code No. 507.10) promotes healthy students by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as a part of the total learning environment. The school district supports a healthy environment where students learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. By facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity, schools contribute to the basic health status of students.
Improved health optimizes student performance potential. In addition to following federal guidelines in our school lunch program that include the addition of more whole grains, fruits and vegetables, we will also follow the guidelines by serving low fat milk for our breakfast and lunch programs. Effective July 1, 2006, no public schools in the United States are allowed to have full calorie (sugared) soda available for students during school hours. PLEASE do not send sugared pop with your child's cold lunch, or for a birthday treat! We are encouraging "healthy" alternatives for special treats at school. (See page 17, "Treats at School," of the student handbook for suggestions.) To facilitate increasing the physical activity of our students, we will begin each recess time with a short run/jog for all students before they begin their regular recess activities.